


Turner Pest Control’s Leadership Development Program

Turner Pest Control employees

We’re thrilled by the success of our first ever leadership development program and look forward to seeing how the class of 2022 grows in their careers.

“The Turner Leadership Program has been an exciting new opportunity for Turner to develop our talent and connect our people for enhanced communication across the organization. 2022 was the first year of the program, and watching the participants’ journey through the program was incredible. The participants met the challenges set by the Senior Leadership Team and presented new and exciting ideas for our organization at their graduation. I am excited to see the program continue in 2023 as Turner works towards investing in our people, their career growth, and their future in the pest control industry.”

– Amanda Kinney, Director of Human Resources


Chad Deppen | Fumigation Operations Manager, Tampa

Before starting the Leadership Class I was always in the dark about how hard other departments in Turner work and what it takes to do their jobs. Now I have a better understanding of what each department does and who to contact if I need help in those areas. In addition, we as a class developed very strong relationships with each other and are willing to help one another in our respective fields. This was one of the most impactful experiences I have ever had and if someone gets the chance to go through the Leadership Development Program at Turner, don’t hesitate.


Angelina Robbins | Sales Analyst, Orlando

The Leadership Development Program was engaging and informative. I made many valuable connections, personally and professionally. I truly enjoyed participating in this endeavor and look forward to taking advantage of the information and tools provided to me by my peers. If I could give advice to the incoming class I would say, ask questions, be present, establish connections, participate fully, and have fun! Your time is precious so utilize it to its full potential.


Matt Urban | Commercial Pest Control Supervisor, Jacksonville

During this program, I really did not know what to expect being part of the first class. Throughout this program you’re given in-depth training about all aspects of the Turner business and how it pertains to you. You’re paired with mentors who have worked their way up through the company and you work closely with people from other departments all over the state. I used my time in this program to network with people from other departments and sit with people on the senior leadership team who have been where I am before. Getting to look at day-to-day operations from a different outlook, whether it be from someone who has been in my position or someone who looks at things from the perspective of a different department, really made me see things in a new light and become a different type of manger. I am grateful I used my time in this class the way I did. I now have a new set of tools to use, network connections and a better understanding of Turner as a whole.


Angelik Fontanez | Accounts Receivable Manager, Jacksonville

Throughout Turner’s first leadership program, I learned a lot about the different ways in which we are all motivated and how the culture in an organization plays a key role. Most importantly, I learned how to contribute to creating a workplace of choice where goals are achieved, peoples’ talents are invested in, and everyone’s contribution is valued. This is at the heart of inspirational and effective leadership. One-on-one coaching helped me to focus on personal leadership challenges within my work environment and to plan and become aware of the leadership journey that I have embarked on. It has not only added value to me personally but also to the business by virtue of leadership interactions with colleagues as well as my team.


Madeline Cole | Business Systems Analyst, Sarasota

I have thoroughly enjoyed the leadership development program. It allowed me to learn all aspects of the business – from marketing to operations and everything in between. My leadership skill set has expanded and improved greatly. The program allowed me to challenge myself to expand my knowledge, gain a better understanding of what it means to be a leader and engage with my co-workers on a deeper level.


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