


Commercial Drain Cleaning Program


Did you know that it only takes a quarter-sized amount of organic material build up for filth flies to breed? Or how about this context: that’s about one soggy crouton’s worth of decay. When it comes to commercial kitchens, or any other area that could have organic debris, one square inch isn’t easy to look for. That’s where our commercial pest control experts come in.

One of the most common culprits and inadvertent filth fly breeding zones is the standard floor drain. So many buildings and restaurants have them, for good reason! But even with standard cleaning, these drains can get out of hand.

The drain cleaning program Turner offers provides a straight forward and integral step in the Integrated Pest Management (IPM) approach. When we advise a client to add drain cleaning service, it’s because a key step has already been taken: Small filth flies have been detected. From here, we identify opportunities for us to prevent and control the problem – both are essential to success.

A key method of pest control for any pest is identifying conducive conditions – our soggy crouton, for example – and removing them as quickly as possible. Floor drains, as we mentioned, are a major resource for flies. They stay humid if not outright damp most of the time, the small grate opening screwed into the floor makes them difficult to access regularly, and debris can easily collect despite rinsing.

The solution is simple. Our team arrives for your regularly scheduled pest control visit and completes the drain cleaning service as an affordable and effective quarterly or bi-annual add on. You can learn more about our commercial service offerings here, call our office at (800)225-5305, or schedule a free inspection online.


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