


Do It Yourself Pest Control vs. Professional Pest Control

woman using a diy pest control method to kill a bug

When you’ve got pests in your home or on your property, it’s understandable that you’ll want them efficiently taken care of. After all, they can damage homes, contaminate food, spread diseases, and just be a huge nuisance. 

Do-it-yourself pest control methods are one route that you could take—whether that’s through commercial products available at stores or via essential oils and spices—and another is professional pest control services. Here are the pros and cons of each approach.

Consider the Scope

As we often note, no two pest problems are ever exactly the same with a wide range of infestation levels. When you’re weighing your options between DIY pest control and a professional Florida pest control company, you’ll want to consider the scope of your home. If you have two spiders in your bathroom or see a couple of wasps flying around, you may decide to use do-it-yourself pest control to eliminate the immediate problem. That can make sense.

If, on the other hand, you’re faced with an infestation—plenty of cockroaches scurrying around at night or rodents gnawing through your home’s infrastructure—it typically makes sense to go directly to professional pest control.

Here’s another way to think about scope. If you’re looking for a quick solution for the problem that’s right in front of you (and the issue is fairly small), then you might decide to try DIY pest control first. If, though, you’re looking for a solution that will help you to live in a pest-free environment, that points to using a professional pest control company. 

Consider the Specifics

As you think about do-it-yourself pest control, mull over what that really means. For example, you might get a great deal on rat traps at the hardware store, and that part is easy enough. This also means, though, that you’ll need to set the traps, monitor them, and remove the remains. Although some people are perfectly fine with this, it’s also quite normal to feel squeamish about the hands-on nature of DIY pest control options. So, factor in your willingness to get your hands dirty as you make your decision.

Consider the Costs

If you’re looking for the cheapest path to take, in the short term, you’ll find that with do-it-yourself pest control methods. You can pick up a bottle of spray while doing your grocery shopping and give it a go. When you compare that to professional pest control services, the cost will be less—and, if that spray addresses your problem, then you’ve successfully gone the lower-cost route. If, though, it doesn’t work, then you’ll have to try something else (and perhaps something else after that), thereby giving a smaller pest presence time to build into an entrenched infestation. 

One of the challenges associated with pests is how easily they can get into homes and, once there, how rapidly they can reproduce. So, by the time you’re on your second or third avenue of DIY pest control, the pest population may be so large that you’ll have to use a professional pest control company to solve your problem—and there’s now a much bigger problem to solve.

Consider Your Safetyfamily enjoying a pest-free home

When you go DIY with your pest control strategy, you might use vinegar sprays to try to repel pests or cloves to keep ants out of your kitchen. With these approaches, safety isn’t a concern (but effectiveness could well be). If, though, you’re using commercial do-it-yourself pest control, products could contain harsh chemicals. If used more often than recommended or otherwise used incorrectly, these chemicals could be harmful to you—as well as to your family, guests, and pets.

When you choose a pest control company like Turner, you can count on an expert approach that balances effectiveness with your safety with products appropriately applied using today’s best techniques. 

Pest Control Summary: Pros and Cons

When looking at your choices, do-it-yourself pest control can be a reasonable option when the pest presence is small and you’re looking for a very short-term, immediate solution. DIY pest control might work when you don’t mind trying different options as you look for one that’s effective if you’re okay with personally handling the sometimes unpleasant aspects of pest control, and if you recognize that you’ll be taking some safety risks.

Using a pest control company is a better choice when you have a larger pest presence, want to address the problem beyond the moment, would rather have professionals handle the situation, and want to seamlessly balance effectiveness with safety. Plus, in the long run, professional pest control may end up being cheaper than the trial-and-error approach that often comes with DIY techniques.

Preventative Techniques

Whether you use do-it-yourself pest control or professional pest control services, you’ll need to use preventative techniques to keep the pests out going forward. It’s amazing how crafty pests can be when they want a place to live and breed. 

At a high level, this includes sealing up entry points into your home and depriving the pests of opportunities to find food and water on your premises. When you contact Turner for your pest control services, our expert technicians will provide quality solutions for your current pest problem along with guidance in keeping them out. 

You may well discover that, once you have a pest-free environment, you’ll want to keep it that way—which is exactly what we do with our residential pest control program.

Turner’s Professional Pest Control Services

We start with a thorough, free inspection of your home and property, discovering where pests are hiding and breeding. We’ll identify the species and present you with a customized program to solve the problem and a no-obligation quote. With your approval, we’ll efficiently, effectively, and safely take care of the pest presence for you.

Besides offering broad residential pest control services, we offer ones targeted to specific problems such as our termite treatments, mosquito control, bed bug extermination, wildlife removal, lawn and outdoor services that include pest control in your yard, and more. To get started, please reach out online or call 800-225-5305 to get started!



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