


Turner Pest Photo Contest: And the Winner is…

Turner Pest Control held a promotion at the Jimmy Buffett concert on Feb. 7 in Jacksonville, FL. We set up a display and took pictures of concert attendees. We had a wonderful balloon artist who added to the fun with 6-foot Balloon Parrots, wearable parrot hats, cheeseburger hats, Palm Trees and more.

After the concert, we posted the pictures on our Facebook Page and promoted the Turner Pest Photo Contest to all the attendees and our Facebook followers to “Like” and “Share” their favorite photos.

The photo with the most “Likes and Shares” on Feb. 21 won a $250 Visa Gift Card.

The promo at the concert was great, but the excitement on Facebook has been priceless.  Photos from our albums reached thousands of people during the two-week promotion.  Hundreds of votes were cast and the competition was tight.

The winning photo received more than 123 Likes and Shares. His friends and family promoted his photo to all of their Facebook friends and helped bring home this victory.

Thank you to everyone who participated in the first Turner Pest Photo Contest.  We had a great time at the concert and enjoyed continuing the fun on Facebook. Be sure to Like our Facebook Page so you will hear about our next fun promotion…

Visit www.facebook.com/TurnerPestControl to view all of the photos from this event.

Click here to learn more about Twist of Fun Balloon Art.

Click here to learn more about upcoming events in Jacksonville, FL.


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