


Bed Bug Awareness Week: Everyday Prevention Tips

According to the 2013 Bugs Without Borders survey conducted by the National Pest Management Association (NPMA) and the University of Kentucky, bed bugs continue to remain THE most difficult pest to treat – more difficult than cockroaches, termites and ants!

The survey of U.S. pest management professionals found that 99.6 percent of respondents encountered bed bug infestations in the past year.  The majority of infestations are found in residential settings.  Depending on the scope of an infestation and the type of treatment used, it can take several treatments to completely eliminate bed bugs.

Fortunately, there are many things that you can do to prevent bringing a bed bug infestation into your home. During Bed Bug Awareness Week, April 22 – 26, Turner Pest Control wants to remind you that through education and vigilance we can decrease the spread of bed bugs.

Here are some everyday bed bug prevention tips to keep in mind regarding how to avoid bed bugs:

  • Vacuum suitcases after returning from a vacation.
  • Check your sheets for tell-tale blood spots.
  • Consider bringing a large plastic trashbag to keep your suitcase in during hotel stays.
  • Carry a small flashlight to assist you with quick visual inspections.
  • Never bring second-hand furniture, especially mattresses and box springs, into a home without thoroughly examining for signs of a bed bug infestation. You might consider having a pest control professional inspect the furniture as it is difficult to detect an infestation without training.
  • Regularly inspect areas where pets sleep for signs of bed bugs.
  • Bed bugs are elusive creatures, so it is imperative to seek professional pest control assistance to address an infestation.

With Turner Pest Control’s SMART TurnerGuard there are no excluded pests, even bed bugs are covered at no additional charge.  If you think you have bed bugs, contact Turner Pest Control. Don’t wait for an infestation to get worse, call today.


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