Spring is approaching, which means the outdoor season is almost here! There's no better time to treat your lawn to some TLC. With some thoughtful prep, this will ensure it's healthy and ready to handle Florida heat. To get your grass spring-ready, you'll need balanced soil, a proper mowing method, and to monitor pests and weeds.
Here’s how you can prepare your grass to thrive this spring.
Spring Lawn & Pest Control Preparation: Nurturing Your Lawn
Although water and sunlight are essential for your lawn, the health of its soil can make a huge difference. Giving your grass nutrients like potassium and nitrogen promotes root growth. When your grass has a strong root system, it can withstand summer heat and lawn traffic. With this seasonal uptick in activity, following the recommended fertilization schedule is crucial.
For optimal results, test your soil’s pH levels. The type of turfgrass you have can determine the ideal pH level it needs and can range from 5.5 to 6.5. Maintaining the recommended pH level for your grass helps your lawn to absorb fertilizer nutrients effectively.
Adjust How You Mow
Springtime also marks the start of growing season, so you may need to mow more frequently. While it may be easy to put off mowing your lawn, you may end up cutting your overgrown grass too short.
Though this might not sound like a big deal, it allows sunlight to penetrate your grass even more. Too much sun exposure will dry out your soil, putting even more stress on your turf. Stressed grass is extra susceptible to pests and weeds.
Worried about cutting your grass too short? Here's an old gardener's trick: Do not cut off more than a third of the grass' height. However, grass growing in shade should be cut even higher because it competes with plants and trees for nutrients.
Most importantly, make sure your mower blades are sharp. You want a clean, even cut to prevent extra stress on your lawn.
Keeping an Eye on Weeds
Lush, dense lawns are a natural barrier against weeds. However, some weeds are excellent adapters and can still make their way into your yard. If you spot any grassy and flowering weeds, you can dig them out, but proactive approaches like applying pre-emergent solution can prevent them in the first place.
To keep these unwanted sprouts out, water your grass regularly, follow a routine fertilization & mowing schedule, and manage lawn pests. All of these factors are conducive to a weed-free, healthy lawn!
Monitoring Lawn Pests
Lawn pests are seemingly everywhere in Florida, especially in spring & summer. With a wide range of these critters, you need to know which ones to look out for.
Here are some of the most common pests that you are likely to find:
- Sod webworms
- Chinch bugs
- Ticks
- Mole crickets
- Lawn grubs
- Armyworms
- Fire ants
- Moles
Call the lawn and outdoor experts at Turner Pest Control if you notice any signs of these pests. We have a variety of effective pest control prevention and management solutions to meet your lawn's needs.
Hydrate Your Lawn - The Right Way
Of course, like the rest of us, your lawn needs water, but watering it too much can cause more harm than good. Overwatering can keep your grass roots from absorbing essential nutrients. As a result, it may develop a shallow root system, leaving your lawn more vulnerable to weeds, pests, and disease. Conversely, underwatering results in grass may cause discoloration, wilting, and more prone to damage.
Here are some best practices for watering your yard:
- Water your grass in the morning. Watering in the middle of the day risks losing too much water to evaporation; watering closer to the evening means it may not evaporate quickly enough.
- Limit how much you water (unless you have a newly sodded or seeded lawn). This helps to prevent lawn fungus.
- Water deeply and less frequently. Deep watering promotes root growth. Watering twice a week for about 45 to 60 minutes per irrigation zone is ideal.
Turn to Turner for Expert Lawn & Outdoor Pest Control Services
Sit back and relax while we knock out pests and weeds and beautify your lawn this spring!
Our lawn and outdoor pest control professionals offer premium yard services that start with a thorough initial inspection of your lawn. After a comprehensive review and report on your yard's condition, we'll provide you with a custom plan and estimate. Ring in spring with a yard that's ready for sun & fun: call us at 800-225-5305 or fill out our free inspection form today.