


Going green isn’t easy

Trust us, we know first hand how hard it is, but realize we are responsible to you and the earth to provide the best options available on the market. “Green” termiticides! Yes, they are finally here! Save your home and the planet too! Turner Pest Control has partnered with Dupont, and we are pleased to offer Altriset! What is Altriset? Altriset is a new termiticide on the market that is targeted specifically for “green” customers. It has a reduced environmental impact, with effective results that are safe to your home, your children and your pets.  Your home will thank you, not to mention your kids, pets and Mother Nature herself. Love your bees and earthworms? Yep, it’s safe for them too. Altriset™ provides long-term structural protection by controlling termites and leaving residual protection in surrounding soil so that termites don’t return.

Studies show that an initial application ensures termite protection for over six years when used in accordance with the label.

After treatment, there are simple steps you can take to ensure maximum results, including:

  • Keeping shrubbery trimmed and away from house.
  • Clearing gutters of water and debris.
  • Making sure indoor and outdoor plumbing remains leak-free.
  • Sealing cracks in foundation, patio, steps or masonry siding.
  • Eliminating stagnant water in or around your home.
  • Getting yearly inspections by a professional to make sure termites haven’t returned.

Go Green today! Get Altriset now! One of our groovy field specialists will provide a free consultation providing you with all the green products we offer and a friendly smile too!


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