What Kinds of Bugs Are Killing My Port St. Lucie Grass?

Lawn pest control in Port St. Lucie, FL

Maintaining a lush and healthy lawn is a point of pride for many homeowners in Port St. Lucie, Florida. However, there are times when your lawn takes a turn for the worse and you need professional lawn pest control. You may notice chewed grass blades, brown or otherwise discolored patches, and visible insects. These unwelcome invaders can wreak havoc, leaving you with an unsightly lawn.

Keep an eye out for these insects you may need to enlist professional lawn pest control in Port St. Lucie  to eradicate these pests:

Chinch Bugs

Chinch bug control is necessary in Port St. Lucie since they thrive in hot conditions. These tiny, winged insects feed on grass blades by puncturing them with their sharp mouthparts and sucking the sap, leading to yellowish patches that resemble drought stress. Chinch bugs tend to target St. Augustine grass most frequently and will cause significant damage if not addressed promptly.

Sod Webworms

Sod webworms are the larvae of small moths that lay their eggs in grassy areas. As the larvae develop, they feed on grass blades, causing unsightly brown patches. If you see small moths flying out of your grass, that likely means the webworms have already had a chance to do their damage and they have progressed to the moth stage of their life cycle.

White Grubs

White grubs are the larvae of various beetle species, including June bugs and chafers. These grubs reside in the soil and feed on the roots of grass, weakening it so it becomes easy to uproot. You may notice skunks, raccoons, or birds digging up the lawn to feast on grubs, or stubborn brown patches that won’t go away with proper watering.


Armyworms are hungry critters, known for their astounding ability to devastate large areas of grass quickly. Initially, they look like green larvae; however, they eventually transform into green caterpillars. These unwanted pests consume grass blades, resulting in large brown patches. Your lawn may even look like it’s been scorched by fire.

Mole Crickets

Mole crickets are subterranean pests who enjoy burrowing through the soil, feeding on grass roots, and causing extensive damage. Their tunneling behavior disrupts the soil structure, further compromising the health of the lawn. You can find them out at night when they are looking to mate and feed. Many homeowners look to professional lawn pest control to eliminate these critters.

Ground Pearls

Tiny, pearl-like insects, ground pearls feed on grass roots. They are challenging to detect since they are small and practice subterranean habits. As they consume the roots, they cause yellowing and thinning of the grass, leading to significant damage over time.

Grass Loopers

Often found crawling with a distinctive looping motion, grass loopers feed on grass blades, causing irregular chewing patterns and skeletonizing of the leaves. They consume the soft tissue of the blades, leaving behind the veins and midribs, giving the affected grass a tattered and damaged appearance. This feeding behavior weakens the grass and makes it more susceptible to other stresses, such as disease.


Billbugs are weevils that primarily target Zoysia grass and Bermuda grass, both common grasses in Port St. Lucie. Adult billbugs chew on grass blades, while their larvae feed on the grass stems and roots. This feeding behavior weakens your lawn, resulting in yellowing, thinning, and eventually large dead patches.


While fleas are not known for attacking grass directly, they can infest the lawn by hitching a ride on your pets or other animals. Fleas primarily target warm-blooded hosts, such as dogs, cats, and rodents. However, they may occasionally jump onto grass or hide in shaded and moist areas of the lawn.

Once on your property, the flea eggs hatch in your grass.  This is when you will want to call for professional flea treatment for your yard. If left unchecked, they can hide on your pet or your clothes and make their way into your home, causing other problems.

Port St. Lucie Lawn Pest Prevention Tips

Here are a few tips you can implement for lawn pest control in Port St. Lucie:

  • Regularly inspect your lawn for pests.
  • Clean up yard debris.
  • Mow regularly at the recommended height.
  • Water in the morning.
  • Fertilize appropriately.
  • Aerate your lawn.
  • Provide adequate drainage.
  • Work with a professional lawn pest control company.

Contact Turner for Lawn Pest Control 

Turner Pest Control has been helping homeowners control lawn pests for over 50 years. Our expert technicians have extensive knowledge in eradicating lawn pests that pose a threat to your beautiful yard.

When you partner with us, you can expect a comprehensive inspection of your lawn to identify the specific pests affecting it. Our skilled professionals will assess the extent of the infestation and determine the best course of action to eliminate the pests and prevent future recurrence.

Our experts will also advise you on proper lawn care pest control practices, irrigation, and fertilization techniques to promote the overall well-being of your grass and reduce the likelihood of future infestations.

You can count on our unique, cutting-edge, eco-friendly pest control products and lawn care techniques to get the job done safely and effectively.

Take your lawn back today!  For more information on lawn pest control or traditional pest control in Port St. Lucie, call us at (772) 223-989.


Contact Us for Lawn Pest Control in Port St. Lucie


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