Turner Pest Control to Fumigate Historical Edison and Ford Winter Estates


Turner Pest Control to Fumigate Historical Edison and Ford Winter Estates

 Fort Myers, Fla. – August 26, 2024

In response to growing concerns over the preservation of historical buildings in Florida, Turner Pest Control has announced plans to fumigate the esteemed Edison and Ford Winter Estates on September 17th.  Turner has a tremendous amount of experience with historical buildings and understands the importance of the structural integrity and protecting these valuable landmarks so that people may continue to enjoy them for generations to come.

According to Wade Wilson, Vice President of Technical Services and an Associated Certified Entomologist at Turner Pest Control, “Tenting is the quickest, most efficient and effective way to mitigate the issue.  The product utilized will penetrate every piece of porous wood being treated and eliminate all the termites inside.”

Termites are very prevalent throughout Florida. Besides the destructive Subterranean, Formosan and Drywood termites, there is a new invasive termite that has been identified and impacting the area from Fort Myers up through Tampa.  One of the biggest threats to homeowners in Florida is termites. According to the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, these insects cause more damage annually to homes than fires, floods and hurricanes combined. It’s estimated that termites cause approximately $2 billion in damage annually, damage that insurance companies won’t cover in Florida. This reinforces the importance of homeowners and businesses having an annual termite inspection performed and keeping a warranty on their property to protect their investment.  Turner recommends annual termite inspections for all properties.


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