


Stronger Together: Supporting our community

Our customers are the backbone of our business and we’re proud to offer support in times of need

Part of what we love about being a pest control service provider is that we have the privilege of serving various communities throughout Florida. We meet so many people from all different walks of life and get to be a part of many vibrant communities. Every now and then, community members face hardships and our hearts go out to them. One such example is the story of how Chris Zelinski, community outreach liaison in Sarasota, was in the right place at the right time to be of service to a customer who had the unfortunate experience of coming home to a house fire.  

Chris had first met Suzanne a couple of years ago when she signed up for pest control services. He performed the initial service. More recently, Chris and his wife were on their way home from a quick grocery run when billowing smoke in the area caught his attention. They continued to drive toward the smoke, as it was coming from just a few blocks away from their own home, and discovered a house fire. Without skipping a beat, they called for help and Chris ran to the door to see if anybody was inside. Luckily, the house was empty. He then hustled around to the back of the home and attempted to slow the flames using the only available source of water, the garden hose. Unfortunately, the garden hose was no match for the house fire, but the fire department arrived and began to control the fire.  

While it was not the Zelinski’s intention to stick around, the fire trucks had blocked them in. Suzanne arrived home and Chris knew his job was not done. The loss of a home is an incredibly stressful occurrence and he could not turn his back on a member of our community that needed help.  

The next morning, Chris ensured Suzanne’s services were suspended so she would not have to worry about the monthly payments. A few days later, Chris approached Bill Talon, president and CEO of Turner Pest Control, to see what we could do to help our client. While we know $500 will not buy Suzanne a new home, we wanted her to know that we are here for her.  

“I’m so appreciative and thankful of the generosity shown to me by the folks at Fahey and Turner Pest control. After suffering a tremendous loss, your company and especially Chris, reached out and supported me,” Suzanne said, “I felt genuinely cared for and want you to know how much that means to me. From the bottom of my heart, thank you!” 

We wanted to share this story to showcase how our amazing employees have taken “One Team, One Goal” to new heights. Turner Pest Control is proud to have Fahey Pest Control as a division of our team. With every new hire and every acquired company that joins the Turner family, we find new opportunities to learn and grow from each other and our customers.  

Chris said, “I was so happy to see that this gesture meant so much to Suzanne. Too often, the customer is lost in the shuffle, and companies forget that the customer is the reason the company exists. I think this has restored a little faith in humanity.” 

We are happy to report that life is now moving forward for Suzanne. It was our honor to provide one small gesture to show our support and we are so incredibly appreciative to have team members like Chris.  

As the holiday season approaches, we are reminded to be thankful for the community around us. We are so grateful for our amazing team and customers. They are what makes Turner Pest Control the neighborhood-minded company that we are proud to be.  


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