


Termite Awareness Week: Important Info, Plus Special Savings!

termite control

Monday marked the beginning of Termite Awareness Week across the U.S. Along with the National Pest Management Association (NPMA), we’re working to raise public awareness about these destructive pests. Here’s what you need to know about termites in our area and what you can do to make your home and property less attractive to termites.

Local termite threats.

Florida residents know that warmer temperatures mean an increase in the presence of insects and other pests, and termites are no exception. This time of year, they’re seeking places to establish their colonies and, depending upon the species of termite, they can make their homes inside your house, in piles of decaying wood or debris around your house, or even underground. Because homeowners insurance does not typically cover termite damage, it’s important to call pest control professionals at the first sign of the presence of termites.

Formosan and subterranean termites are particularly dangerous threats that are common to our area. At Turner Pest Control, we’re providing our customers with a powerful solution: The Termidor HP High Precision Injection System. It’s the only technology that offers the best termite protection while keeping disruption to homeowners’ properties at a minimum. It reaches termites where they live in the soil, delivering precise amounts of termiticide right where it can be most effective.

This video explains how the Termidor HP system works to protect your home:

Termite facts and figures.

  • Termites eat around the clock, so they can cause extensive damage to wood very quickly. According to NPMA estimates, termites cause $5 billion in property damage every year.
  • Formosan termites are very aggressive, and live in large underground colonies with approximately 350,000 “workers.”
  • Subterranean termites are the most destructive species, with huge underground colonies with as many as two million members.
  • Some termites swarm in the early weeks of spring. They may appear to be flying ants, but you can check for signs of a termite infestation by inspecting soft or decaying wood in your home, looking for mud tubes outside near your home’s foundation or inside, and blistering or darkening of wood structures.

What you can do to prevent termites.

In general, reducing or eliminating dampness and moisture around your home is key to keeping termites at bay. Here are tips for staying vigilant:

  • Lower humidity in attics and crawl spaces with adequate ventilation.
  • Keep all vegetation trimmed away from vents.
  • Use properly functioning downspouts, gutters and splash blocks to move water away from your home’s foundation.
  • Maintain a gap of 18 inches between any wood materials on your home and the soil.
  • Clear away tree trunks, roots, grade stakes, old boards and any other type of wood near a building.
  • Store firewood five inches off the ground and a minimum of 20 feet from the house.
  • Regularly inspect your home’s foundation for termite damage signs.

Save $100 now on expert termite treatment.

In addition to the revolutionary Termidor HP system, we also offer a range of termite extermination programs, all of which include thorough inspections and treatment of even the smallest cracks and crevices. Call us at (800) 225-5305 or complete the form at right to receive $100 off a termite treatment for your home!


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